Still-Moving – Southampton, Hampshire. Festivals, Music Venues, The Brook, Public Events, Functions, Wedding & Birthday Celebrations

Bank Transfer


  • Name: Still Moving (or M R Davis)
  • Sort Code: 20-79-25
  • Account Number: 53614395
  • Ref: “your name + date of event” (Example “YourName100525”)

Confirmation: When a payment is made, please let us know ( so that we can check it’s in the account, and let you know the booking is secured.

Please note:

* A booking will only be official with the date secured once we have received the full deposit payment. Until then the date is still available for others.

* Please check that we’re available before making a payment.

Please note that in the event of a cancellation from a client, as with any supplier, the booking deposit is non-returnable.

For any event we recommend taking out an event insurance policy that will cover all your payments to all suppliers.

There may be circumstances that are beyond your control and your date may need to be changed. If this is the case we will try our best to help, subject to availability. Please contact us as soon as possible because we are more likely to be able to help if you give us plenty of notice.

We have never had to cancel an event ourselves – ever!  We always prefer to work together but if one of us is unable to attend due to illness or bereavement etc, the other will make sure the show still happens. In the very unlikely circumstance where we personally cancel an event, we will fully refund anything you’ve paid to us.

Many thanks, and please feel very welcome to contact us with any questions.

Martin & Tom

Cancellations & Terms