Still-Moving – Southampton, Hampshire. Festivals, Music Venues, The Brook, Public Events, Functions, Wedding & Birthday Celebrations

Still Moving DJ set with Martin

Classic Still-Moving style, with carefully selected, alternative, lively and fun music, with the quirky vintage props, ship lanterns, attire … and dinosaurs!.

About Martin

Actively involved with live music and DJing for over twenty years, with his first ever show for for a university orchestra who’s members had a very diverse range of musical tastes.

Brought up on a healthy diet of Classical, Rock n’ Roll, Jazz, Swing and Folk, Martin has a love for music history, world music and the local music scene. He discovered a lot of truly amazing music whilst travelling and working as a music journalist, and is always on the look out for great records and musicians. Martin can often be found at car boot sales, charity shops, independent music stores, and even the tip rummaging through boxes of records looking for treasures!

Martin also has a passion for 1950’s cars, and is restoring a P4 Rover 105R (if you’re into this kind of thing!), loves camping, hiking, history, nature and wildlife photography in remote parts of Africa, live music, has a pet tortoise and loves trying out various tea rooms!


  • Between 7.30pm and Midnight: £850.00
  • Travel: 45p per mile return journey for bookings outside Southampton, plus expenses such as parking/bridge tolls/congestion etc.
  • Accommodation: may be required for longer distance travel (please contact me for details)
  • Additional time: £50.00 per hour
  • Central London booking – additional fee: £300.00

If you’re wishing to book me for a festival or arts/music venue, please ignore the details above and contact me – you’re a completely different kettle of ballgames!

For any further information please contact Martin:
0797 418 2387 /

Festivals, and music venues